Joint Hybrid Board of Selectmen's Meeting

Event Date: 
Wednesday, January 19, 2022 - 4:30pm

In light of the growing cases of COVID in our community, the Woodstock Board of Selectmen has chosen to hold their quorum at the Town Hall in Woodstock; the Lincoln Board of Selectmen will hold their quorum at the Town Hall in Lincoln. The agenda is attached below. Lincoln will chair the meeting via Zoom using the link below:

As a reminder, our conference room is small and only holds 16 people at 3ft apart. In-person seating will be first-come, first-serve and the doors will open at 4:15 pm. Masks are encouraged. Please also know, we are offering Zoom as a way to participate in the meeting. **Zoom access is for your convenience; use at your own risk.  If there are any technical difficulties or ZOOM should go down, the meeting will NOT be rescheduled. ** 

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Passcode: 330133
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